Amber Hacks

The ultimate coding experience!

October 25th - October 27th

Amber Hacks is now ONLINE


All Submissions will be done through GitHub. For more information, Join the discord Server!


(click here for the results)

Winners will be announced at 8:00 PM PST on 10/27. Stay Tuned!

Guest Speakers

We will have several insightful sessions with industry leaders who will share their experiences, knowledge and tips!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions we get asked

How much is the admission fee?
Admission to the event is completely free of charge for all attendees. We believe in making our events accessible to everyone, so there's no cost to enter.
Do you need to know how to code?
No, you do not need to know how to code. We will be providing seminars and have volunteers who will assist you throughout the process.
How do I form my group?
Form them with your friends, peers , or reach out us and well help you out.
What if I don't have a team?
You can submit individualy
Where is it (address)?
Online, so everyone can participate
Where do we Receive announcements
Join the discord server for live updates, and 24/7 support.

Meet the Team

The driving force behind Amber Hacks

Varun Aravind

Varun Aravind

Event Lead

Nandhu Umeshnath

Nandhu Umeshnath

Head of Technology

Sreekavya Nimishakavi

Sreekavya Nimishakavi

Head of Marketing and Finance

Sid Gullapalli

Sid Gullapalli

Finance Officer

Sathvik Ladagapati

Sathvik Ladagapati

Head of Marketing and Finance

Sathvik Ladagapati

Aarav Singh

Event Logistics Officer

Sathvik Ladagapati

Ayaan Vijaykar


Sathvik Ladagapati

Aarush Jain

Event Logistics Officer